Weekly Warm Up No. 13
Alright! Welcome to November and a new session of the WWU!
For our Right Hand Arpeggios, we’ll be focusing on four-note patterns in various combinations and a few three-note patterns to change things up. We’ll continue with sixteenth note bursts for our four-note patterns, too.
This week’s Left Hand Slurs include combined ascending and descending patterns with both an eighth note feel and sixteenth note burst.
Quarter note set @ 80 BPM.
Right Hand Arpeggios:
(Based on this A Major Chord Progression )
- Pima
- Pim
- Pami
- Pmi
- Pimi
- Pmim
- Pmam
- Pama
- Piai
- Paia
- Pimami
Left Hand Slurs:
- 124-1
- 134-1
- 124-2
- 134-2
- 124-3
- 134-3
- 431-4
- 421-4
- 431-3
- 421-3
- 431-2
- 421-2
Our tremolo work will continue to include speed bursts. The focus here is with gaining a relaxed state of control as we develop our speed. The faster the tempo, the more efficient (relaxed) you need to be with your hands.
Single string: pami on 2
Single string with crossing: pami on 3 & 2
Multi-string: p on 5 & 3, ami on 2
I’m also including some tutorials I’ve created around Arpeggios, Ascending Slurs (Hammer On’s), and Descending Slurs (Pull-Off’s).
Say Hello: