Weekly Warm Up No. 12
Welcome back to a new Weekly Warm Up!
For our Right Hand Arpeggios, we’ll be focusing on four-note patterns in various combinations. We’ll be returning to sixteenth note bursts for these patterns, too.
This week’s Left Hand Slurs include combined ascending and descending patterns with both an eighth note feel and sixteenth note burst.
Quarter note set @ 80 BPM.
Right Hand Arpeggios:
(Based on this A Major Chord Progression )
- Pima
- Pami
- Pimi
- Pmim
- Pmam
- Pama
- Piai
- Paia
Left Hand Slurs:
- 124-1
- 134-1
- 124-2
- 134-2
- 124-3
- 134-3
- 431-4
- 421-4
- 431-3
- 421-3
- 431-2
- 421-2
Our tremolo work will continue to include speed bursts. The focus here is with gaining a relaxed state of control as we develop our speed. The faster the tempo, the more efficient (relaxed) you need to be with your hands.
Single string: pami on 2
Single string with crossing: pami on 3 & 2
Multi-string: p on 5 & 3, ami on 2
I’m also including some tutorials I’ve created around Arpeggios, Ascending Slurs (Hammer On’s), and Descending Slurs (Pull-Off’s).
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